Five vendors awarded contracts in Mobile Refuse Vehicles

Sourcewell awards contracts in the ‘Mobile Refuse Vehicles’ category through solicitation #091219. Sourcewell contracts are solicited across North America and competitively awarded on behalf of Sourcewell current and potential government and education member agencies.
Don’t waste your time with garbage.
Sourcewell offers a variety of vetted products and services when it comes to refuse collection and recycling.
Five vendors have earned contracts in the Mobile Refuse Vehicles category, adding to Sourcewell’s diverse line of options and solutions.
Sourcewell Contract Administrator Andy Campbell said members have overwhelmingly noted having contracts for mobile refuse collection vehicles brings much value to their organizations.
“With these new awards, our members continue to have access to the top brands in the industry,” Campbell said, “There are so many technological innovations that are being introduced to increase operator safety and productivity while keeping operating costs and downtime as low as possible.”
Following a competitive solicitation process, Sourcewell awarded these cooperative purchasing contracts:
Heil Environmental | 091219-THC*
Curotto-Can, front loaders, and rear loaders; automated and manual side loaders; multi-compartment recycling units; 3rd Eye camera systems; Bayne Premium Tippers; premier truck, big truck, and rush rentals.
Labrie Enviroquip | 091219-LEG*
Mobile refuse collection bodies; front, side, and rear loaders; Labrie, Wittke, and Leach products.
McNeilus Truck | 091219-MCN*
Rear load, front load, and automated and manual side load refuse trucks; CNG solutions; parts, service, and accessories.
New Way | 091219-NWY*
Mammoth and Mammoth Western series front loaders; King Cobra, Cobra Magnum, Cobra, Viper, and Diamondback rear loaders; Sidewinder XTR and Roto Pac automated side loaders; Cobra split-body rear loaders.
Curbtender | 091219-CRB
Fury, Phoenix, and Quantum rear loaders; Pup and TomCat manual side loaders; AutoCat, HammerPak, and PowerPak automated side loaders; Titan and Titanium front loaders.
* Re-awarded vendor with new contract number
These contracts are now available to all Sourcewell members throughout the United States and Canada. Purchasers from public entities save time and money by streamlining the procurement process with cooperative purchasing.
About Sourcewell
Sourcewell (formerly National Joint Powers Alliance) is a self-supporting government organization, partnering with education, government, and nonprofits to boost student and community success. Created in 1978 as one of Minnesota’s nine service cooperatives, we offer training and shared services to our central-Minnesota members. Throughout North America, we offer a cooperative purchasing program with more than 400 awarded vendors on contract. Sourcewell is driven by service and the ability to strategically reinvest in member communities.
Jenny Holmes | Public Relations & Communications Specialist
Office: 218-541-5230 | Cell: 218-839-9540
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